Swiss Fondue

1 garlic clove, peeled and cut in half
1 C dry white wine
1 t lemon juice
1/2 lb. gruyere, shredded (about two cups)
1/2 lb. swiss, shredded (about two cups)
2 T corn starch
2 T water
pinch of nutmeg

Rub down the sides of a 2.5 quart non-stick pot with the garlic halves.  Add wine and lemon juice, and cook over medium-low heat until bubbly.  Turn heat to low.  Using a wooden spoon, gradually stir in cheese, one handful at a time.  In a small bowl, blend corn starch and water, then drizzle into cheese.  Continue to stir until fondue is thick and smooth, making sure not to let fondue come to a boil.  Season with a pinch of nutmeg and serve with bread cubes and/or anything else that can convey cheese from pot to mouth. (A spoon, perhaps?)

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